1. The __________________________________________ (________) regulates food labels. 2. Serving sizes on the labels are not recommendations of how much to eat, but rather they are based on the amount […]
Dietary Supplements
1. A Dietary supplement is a product that contains one or more ________________________ intended to _______________________ the diet. 2. Fill in the table with two (3) reasons why someone […]
Healthy Diet Planning
1. Why is it important to develop an eating pattern that is satisfying to you? 2. Diet planning involves: _____________________, ______________________, and _______________________. 3. Name some foods for each food […]
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA)
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) & MyPlate (use your reading assignment to help with this section) 1. The DGA are nutrition and lifestyle recommendations that are updated every ______ […]
Food and nutrition
At 13, Opal is alarmed by how her body is changing. She’s always been bigger than most of her friends, but she seems to have […]
Nutrition counselling
Healthy People 2030 identifies objectives related to nutrition and its role in promoting health and reducing chronic disease risk. Choose one preventable chronic condition from the […]
Nutrition and weight status
Discuss why nutrition and weight status are important for health. Post one reference you used for the evidence-based information you are discussing.
The nutritional needs of a toddler
Explain when and how solid foods may be introduced to a baby. Discuss the nutritional needs of a toddler.
Nutritional needs of an infant
Discuss nutritional needs of an infant. Why do infants have high nutritional needs?
Lifestyles factors for breast feeding moms.
Identify key nutrient needs and lifestyles factors for breast feeding moms.