In order to ‘have’ ethics, however, we must also have free will. This makes sense, right? We can’t blame someone morally if, in fact, that person […]
Relationship between prudence and virtue in Aristotle’s ethics.
There is an important relationship between prudence and virtue in Aristotle’s ethics. To fully understand his conception of virtue, it is necessary to understand his conception of prudence […]
What is Consciousness? In your own words describe the ‘problem of consciousness’ as discussed in the following video: Susan Blackmore on ‘the hard problem’Links to an external […]
Socrates definition of justice
Discuss. Why Socrates definition of justice was right compared to Thrasymachus
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Read Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics books 1 and 2 should evaluate their own character in at least one of the behavior domains covered in the book II […]
Human existence
Compare and contrast Hegel’s concept of Geist, Schopenhauer’s Will, and nietzsche’s Will to Power on human existence
In this chapter, we learn that happiness is a choice. How and why can you choose to be happy when things are not going well? What […]
The Montessori and Waldorf educational philosophies.
Compare and contrast the Montessori and Waldorf educational philosophies. How do these approaches to education differ in terms of curriculum, teaching methods, and overall goals?
Developmental Theories
Create a brief, fictional description of a student who is struggling in school. Include the student’s name, grade level, and area of struggle. You may include […]
Becoming a virtuous person
What, according to Aristotle in Book III (page 30- 49)of Nicomachean Ethics, are the roles of voluntary action and personal responsibility in regards to becoming a […]