In a short aummRY compare the Roman and Mongol Empires. Did they possess similarities or were they distinctly different in nature? How did they address conquered peoples and cultures? What […]
Central to the concept of the American Dream
Central to the concept of the American Dream is the notion that anyone who works hard enough will be rewarded—that anyone can “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” […]
Electoral College
ith a controversial presidential election in recent history (2016), the role of the Electoral College is often cited as Donald Trump lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College […]
Politics: Migration
Write two double-spaced pages on the following questions: Drawing on the Ferguson and McNally article, in what ways might social reproduction and migration be linked to […]
Political party took over US government after President Hoover’s defeat
Which political party took over US government after President Hoover’s defeat and why? What were the major initiatives of the First New Deal, and how did they differ from […]
assessment of both the accomplishments and the sins and disobedience of either King David OR King Solomon as portrayed in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings respectively. Provide an initial […]
Patient Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers and his patient-centered approach to therapy. Consider the foundational aspects of this therapeutic modality, unconditional positive regard, as well as authentic and genuine presence. What aspects […]
How political leaders create a shared identity after an election
In a politically polarized country, how do political leaders create a shared identity after an election?
1858 debates with Stephen Douglass, Abraham Lincoln
Prompt A: In his 1858 debates with Stephen Douglass, Abraham Lincoln assured audiences that while he was opposed to the extension of slavery into the territories, he had […]
Debate Between Douglas And Lincoln 1858
In 1865, Union officials met with twenty black ministers in Savannah, Georgia. When asked how the freedmen might best secure their freedom and independence, the spokesman for the […]