Differences between men and women in a student lifestyle and health survery
“hot topic”
A 1500-2000 word (roughly 6-8 pages) research project where you will be engaging in a “hot topic” in your field, The assignment will also ask you to differentiate between primary […]
Women be allowed to play professional sports
Write an argumentative essay on Should women be allowed to play professional sports on men’s teams?
Use of Kettlebells Movements in Karate
Looks for a 10 minute speach to show the importance of Kettlebells in Shotokan Karate.
Transformation specialist
Sally is a 41 year-old female with a history of unsuccessful weight loss attempts. In the past, Sally has tried “almost every diet known to man” and now wants […]
Lionel Messi the greatest football players
How did Lionel Messi become one of the greatest football players in the world?
Professional Sports
Write an argumentative essay about The Benefits and Disadvantages of Professional Sports
Self-myofascial release (SMR)
Describe the proper execution of the following self-myofascial release (SMR) and stretching exercises and be sure to include any instructional cues that you would use as a coach, as well […]
The areas of Sport’s History
Review your extensive list of resources gathered and concepts learned throughout the course in the areas of: Sport’s History, Sport Sociology, physiology and kinesology, sport psychology, sport policy, sport […]
SPLISS valuable to your sport’s organizational structure
Why is SPLISS valuable to your sport’s organizational structure? Hint: look internationally, nationally, and locally for value. Where/how does is fall short? Where/how does it thrive? Explain. What […]