Change Management Presentation

Prepare a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Presentation for the company’s Board of Directors. Include the following: • ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​Evaluate why this change needed to occur. • Discuss how this change impacts the company on a global scale. • Discuss how this change impacts employees. • Using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. In your chart, complete the following: • Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotter’s model • Develop tactics to support each strategy • Justify the effectiveness of each strategy and tactic with a rationale. • Conclude your presentation with an explanation of how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive adva​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ntage in the global market.

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