Co-pyrolysis of Biomass A and Plastic B: A Modeling approach to save Energy Usage

Pot the graphs of the volatile generation rate against the pyrolysis temperature for approach one (a) and approach two (b), respectively, for the three blends (i.e., 75%algae:25%Plastic; 50%Algae:50%plastic and 25%algae:75%plastic, respectively) as has been demonstrated by Oyedun et al (2014) but in my case, you have to replace the bamboo with the algae. Please, take a look at the example of the similar graphs which I am looking for below:

Please, here are my experimental results )TG, DTG and DSC curves), whose data I have also provided to you.





Figure 8 TG and DTG curves of the normal pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of Algae and Plastic at 1:1 blending ratio

Table 8. Kinetic parameters and mass loss characteristics of thermal decomposition of algae with plastic
Sample Β
oC/min “T” “1” (oC) “T” “2” (oC) “T” “max” (oC) (“dα” ⁄”dt” )“max”
(% /min) I ×10-11
(%/minoC) Model fitting lines A
(min-1) E
(kJmol-1) R2
Alone 20 174.8 536..25 261.73

 -10.24  -6.19*10-7  Y= -4.8626-3871.7088X   8.8*103 32.19   0.9889

Plastic waste
Alone 20 442.31 528.98 493.08 -80.82 -4.2810-6 Y= -5.6228-15248.9776X 126.78 0.9936 Algae+Plastic 75:25 20 428.62 53375. 495.67 -15.75 -7.0510-7 Y= -8.0797-14184.5081X 117.93 0.9863
50:50 20 431.92 531.15 500.57 -31.33 -1.4610-6 Y= -9.2172- 13142.8915X 109.27 0.9961 Algae+Plastic 25:75 20 434.52 530.18 498.27 -45.95 -2.2310-6 Y= -10.464-.13562.6654X 112.76 0.9897
β heating rate, “T” “1” temperature at the start of decomposition, “T” “2” temperature at the end of decomposition, “T” _”max” temperature corresponding to the maximum conversion rate (“dα” ⁄”dt” ), I pyrolysis index, A activation energy and E exponential factor.

Figure 9> Heat Flow or DSC curves of the various blends
Table 4. Model parameters
Model parameter (Unit) Value
Initial particle diameter (cm) 2.5
Inlet temperature of heating gas (oC) 800
Reactor void space 0.8
Heating gas inlet flow rate (kg/m2) 0.5
Specific heat capacity of heating gas (J/kg.K) 2400
Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K) 5.69+0.0098T
Thermal conductivity of Plastic 0.16
Thermal conductivity of Algae 0.156
Initial density of plastic (kg.m3) 1047
Initial density of Algae (kg.m3) 627

I want you to follow strictly the same method of modeling, in a MATLAB platform, as used by the author of this journal paper; “Adetoyese Olajire Oyedun, Tesfaldet Gebreegziabher, Denny K.S. Ng, Chi Wai Hui (2014). Mixed-waste pyrolysis of biomass and plastics waste: A modeling approach to reduce energy usage. Energy 75 (2014) 127-13”; and model the co-pyrolysis of Biomass A and plastic B with the aim to reduce energy usage during the co-pyrolysis process. Thus, the Biomass A will replace the Bamboo while plastic B will replace PS (polystyrene) as used in their paper.
NB: The TG, DTG and DTA data of the pyrolysis of Biomass A and plastic B at the blending ratios of 1:0, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 and 0:1 has been provided and attached to this request. Also, the ultimate and proximate analysis results as well as model parameters have been attached to this request. Make sure that similar Figures and Tables of all the figures and tables in the paper are carefully reproduced using “Biomass A and plastic B” in place of “bamboo and PS”.

  1. Write the MATLAB codes and generate all the results (figures and tables) as in the model paper (Oyedun et al., 2014, above) using the TG, DTG, and DTA data of Biomass A and Plastic B.
  2. Discuss the Methods and the results obtained

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