Cohen and Felson (1979)

  1. What is the main thesis presented by Cohen and Felson (1979) in their research article “Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach”?
  2. Based upon the article, discuss how the routine activity approach can be used to explain a change in crime rates?
    The routine activity approach can be used to explain a change in crime rates
  3. Cohen and Felson (1979) suggest that predatory crime could be viewed as a “byproduct of freedom and prosperity as they manifest themselves in the routine activities of everyday life.” What do they mean by this and what are some examples?
  4. Dr. Mercer Sullivan (article on D2L) conducted extensive research on youth gangs in Brooklyn. (a) Describe the research methodology used by Sullivan (2005) in his study into the “extent, nature, and perceptions” of gang activity in New York City. (b) What does Sullivan argue about the “definitional ambiguity” of gangs? (c) What are some of the conclusions drawn from his research article on this topic?
  5. What is the “Big Gang Theory” and why does it tend to be popular with the media, public, and police officials?
    View the Prize Winners’ Lecture in its entirety:
  6. Discuss the main approach of Dr. Clarke’s work in the reduction of crime. Provide specific examples.
  7. Describe (a) crime displacement and (b) diffusion of benefits. What were Dr. Clarke’s findings on each?
  8. (a) Discuss the dispositional bias in criminological theory. (b) What are the limitations of traditional dispositional theories of delinquency?
  9. What are the advantages of the opportunity theories of criminology? (Provide an example)
  10. Discuss what Dr. Clarke argues has been the effect of the avalanche of increased security measures within the private sector in modern society.

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