Competitive Approach, Competitive Scope, and Decision Models


Deciding on a competitive approach for the company is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. Careful consideration must also be given to the company’s competitive scope. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.

Minimum of 500 words in the body.

Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.

Use bolded headings below in the discussion.

Current APA format must be used.

Use the following outline:

· Introduction

· Process: Deciding on a Competitive Approach ‐ What is the process for deciding on a competitive approach? Discuss the process for deciding on a competitive approach in no less than 200 words.

· Strategic Thinking: Determining Competitive Scope ‐ What is competitive scope and why is it important to business strategy? Discuss competitive scope and why it is important to business strategy using the two subheadings below in no less than 200 words.


How do my decision models aid / hinder the process of deciding on a competitive approach and why? Discuss how and why your decision model(s) aid / hinder the process of evaluating environment.

· What other decision models are being considered and why? Discuss what models you are considering using as a better choice and why.

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