Nathaniel Hawthorne was fascinated by the role of secret sin on the human psyche. Some modern-day psychologists believe that confessed guilt eats at a person’s mind and soul until it affects him/her in some consequential way. Others believe that confessed guilt doesn’t really affect a person’s long-term physical, mental, or emotional health. When you look at Hawthorne’s works, and when you consider yourself and people you know, is there any truth in the old saying that “Confession is good for the soul”? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position
There must be at least two direct quotes used from the textbook with the proper in-text citation. Also, at the end of the response, you should include a Works Cited page. Both the in-text citations and the entry on the Works Cited page must be properly documented in the 8th edition of MLA style. Be sure to properly format the mini paper in MLA style with a header and a title as well
Baym, Nina and Robert Levine, eds. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 9th ed. Vol. 1. Norton. 2017 ISBN: 9780393264524 is textbook used in the course