Covid-19 vaccines


C​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​hildren, COVID-19 and the Vaccines As scientists test vaccines in young children, evidence continues to emerge about how the disease harms kids, how expanded immunizations of others might protect them, and what impact a vaccine might have. As COVID-19 vaccines are being administered to anyone age 12 and up, America’s youngest children remain the last group that cannot get a vaccination. The reopening of society this summer and the development of viral mutations leaves those children exposed in new ways, even while clinical trials are underway to develop vaccines for them. In this rapidly changing environment, researchers and policymakers want to know: Will the disease spread more among children as they return to camps, sports, and school, especially as the virus mutates? Will enough people get vaccinated in some communities to adequately protect children until a vaccine for them arrives? Does the risk of illness from COVID-19 outweigh the potential side effects of the vaccinations for some of them? Instructions – Provide a 2 to 3 research page (How to write a research paper) paper that includes the following items: 1. A description of the role/position as you understand it, specifically – The level of the management the position is on (please remember- none of the positions is about Chief Executive, Chief Financial or Chief Operations officers at hospitals or other HC organizations. Your roles are not performing at the senior executive level); -Immediate supervisory and subordinate chains; – The main skills that are necessary to be effective and efficient in this position. 2. An explanation as to how the role you have selected is vital to this particular case: -Discuss two job-specific managerial points affecting your organizational performance from the position of the provider Case-Study: (see content above, and in Week 1 and in the class Announcement Case: Children, COVID-19 and vaccines Job: a financial/business officer. Managerial issue: an inability to send payments to the vendors for the supplies due to the lack of funds. Reason: a high number of rejected health care insurance claims or not insured population served; high supply utilization due to the contagious nature of the issue and requirements to its clinical management. Organizational outcome: clinical services are lacking appropriate medicine and supplies>low patient satisfaction​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​>people refuse to come to the clinic or follow the treaments> low service utilization>reduced clinic income. Solution: The business officer seeks additional funding sources from government organizations and grant providers. The insurance claim process is reassessed and the insurance claim cycle optimization process is established. ***This example cannot be used in the students’ submissions. 3. A description of how your role will interact with the other roles. What will the reporting structure look like? Who will you be working with and in what capacity? The paper (no more than 3 pages) should be formatted according to APA style requirements and include a minimum of two credible resources from the course readings,

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