Creative textual analysis

  1. Creative textual analysis (50%) This assessment is in two parts:
    (a) You will need to choose a short literary text or an extract from a text and produce a rewritten version of it.
    The original text should not be more than 400 words in length. The changes you make will partly be in terms of
    the modality used in the piece, and the processes and participants. You should aim to keep this piece coherent
    – so don’t make random changes. Think through the implications of changes you make.
    (b) You will write a rationale explaining why you chose the textual extract and which aspects of it you chose to
    change. You will need to include a description of the changes you made to your text and a discussion of
    possible reasons for why the writer chose the forms found in the original form of the text.
    The whole assessment must be 2000 words (10% more or less is acceptable). You will need to include the
    original text and that will be included in the word count

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