Critical Analysis Essay

The goal of the critical analysis essay is to make a convincing argument that addresses the
issue/problem you have chosen to research, and uses strong evidence to support your analysis
and conclusion. Once you have gathered valid research (Assignment 2a), and planned your
argument in detail (Assignment 2b), you should be able to sit down and begin writing your essay,
using the previous two assignments as your guide.
The body of your essay must be 1500-1750 words long. This does not include the title page,
abstract, headings, or references page.
Ensure your essay contains the following:
o Title page
o Introduction
o Thesis statement
o Level headings
o Topic sentences for each paragraph
o Supporting evidence
o Appropriate APA citations for all words/ideas that are not your own
o Conclusion
o Reference page
o Appropriate APA page formatting throughout
A essay template in APA format is available on the library APA Document Formatting page.
You must use APA format when you are quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing your sources.
Remember to include page numbers when using direct quotations (more than 3 words in a row
directly from a source).
You must put forward your own argument based on the topic or issue from the article you have
chosen. Do not simply paraphrase or explain arguments from your research.
Revisit your instructor’s comments on your previous assignments, and ensure you identify and
correct mistakes that you may be repeating before you hand in your essay. Proofread your work.
You must cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources (and no more than six sources total).
All research must be from valid, reliable sources. Do not use Wikipedia, or other websites that
are not written by authorities in the field you are researching.
Do not state personal beliefs without providing appropriate evidence to support them.
Please review the example critical essay in Clearly APA: The NorQuest Guide to APA Style,
which is also available from the library website, under APA Assignments and Examples.
Engl 2550: Introduction to Composition
Marking Rubric for Assignment 2c
Please attach a copy of this rubric to the back of your essay.
Thesis statement is argumentative and specific /5
Quality of argument
 Original and insightful
 In-depth development of ideas
 Organized and flows well
Topic sentences are argumentative and specific /5
Paragraph structure
 Paragraph content matches the topic sentences
 Internal logic, cohesion
 Thoughtful and insightful analysis
 Relevant and persuasive examples
 Smoothly integrated with sufficient context
 Quality of sources
Quality of introduction, conclusion, and abstract /5
Language, Style, Mechanics
Quality of writing
 Clear, concise and engaging
 Avoids wordiness, generalizations, and colloquialisms
 Appropriate diction and syntax
 Appropriate tone/style
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, proofreading /5
APA formatting in essay /5
APA formatting in References page /5
Correct length /5
Total /70
Rubric notes (double the numerical values for categories marked out of 10)
0 = does not meet expectations/missing 3 = satisfactory
1 = meets minimum expectations 4 = good
2 = needs improvement 5 = excellent

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