Curriculum Planning


Curriculum planning involves numerous decisions made by educators, drawing on their professional expertise, knowledge of children, understanding of local contexts, and a level of familiarity with the Vision, Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of our Early Years Learning Frameworks.
Here you will need to provide an informed discussion that demonstrates your understandings of The Early Years Learning Frameworks pedagogical practice:
“Analysing, assessing, monitoring and evaluating children’s learning, development and wellbeing in ways to understand, acknowledge and document children’s progress and achievement of Learning Outcomes” (Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE] 2022, p. 25).
Observation and documentation as part of the program planning process (Approx 375 words)
In this section of the assignment, you need to talk about the importance of observation and documentation. Consider how educators can use formative assessment to gather information about children (what information should they be collecting?) what methods of documentation might you consider? what is the purpose of gathering this information?
Planning and Implementation of Learning Experiences (Approx 375 words)
Here you need to provide a critical discussion that explores the process of planning for children’s learning. Consider the steps educators take when planning for learning, the information that informs their decisions. Think about: How are experiences determined to be suitable and appropriate for a child/children? How are the experiences and children’s learning monitored and reviewed? How might this information influence educator pedagogical practices?
Analysing/Evaluating Children’s Learning (Approx 375 words)
This section focuses on the analysis of children’s learning. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of how to analyse children’s learning, as well. Think about: How does a child or group of children learn? How/what learning outcomes are they achieving? and how do you know this? what is the importance of documenting this information? where does this information originate from? How would we know if a child or group of children are developing well and meeting the learning intentions, we have set them? How might this information influence educator pedagogical practices?
Reflection (Approx 375 words)
Consider the importance of undertaking critical reflection. What is the role of the educator? What opportunities does it provide for both children and educators? What is the purpose?



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