Did the Cold War make Americans safer at home and abroad

Question #1 (500 points):

Did the Cold War make Americans safer at home and abroad? Your response should first contain a short paragraph (two or three sentences) with a thesis that directly and comprehensively answers this question. Then, you should provide the reader with a detailed timeline of ten events and historical developments from WWII through 1989 so that you can explain the three major U.S. foreign policy approaches to the Cold War: containment, rollback, and dtente. Finally, in your conclusion, you should consider how well the U.S. has been able to shape the New World Order that emerged following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

When answering this question, you should write for at least an hour and a half. In addition, your response should contain as much detail as possible (specific names, events, dates, etc.) to support your argument, and you include direct quotes from three of the following sources at some point in your answer:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Quarantine Speech, October 5, 1937
Joseph McCarthy, Enemies from Within, February 9, 1950
Edward R. Murrow, A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, See It Now, March 9, 1954
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, January 17, 1961
D. Bill Ehrhart, interview with David Hoffman, 1990
Battle of Con Thien from The Vietnam War, directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick (2017)
Christmas Bombing from The Vietnam War, directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick (2017)
Pham Thanh Cong, oral history interview on the My Lai massacre (2018)
Robert F. Kennedy, On the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., speech, April 4, 1968
Jimmy Carter, Energy and National Goals: Address to the Nation, speech, July 15, 1979

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