Digital humanities


because the research paper instructions are that we chose 3 novels I chose:( Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome, The diary of nobody, and Emma by Jane Austen). and ( investigate words that indicate HUMOR in these three novels of the 19th century ) +to implement one of the digital humanities methods which is (Text Mining Using RSTUDIO ).

I finished the implementation of the 3 novels on Rstudio using basic NLP analysis and using NGRAM and got the results and uploaded them to files for the writer, all I need is the COMMENTARY or the theoretical part of the paper.

I also uploaded the literary review + the research hypothesis.

what I want from the writer is:

1 _ Introduction:
– start with the use of humor in the 19th century in general
– then talk about how critics accepted or wrote about humor at that same time.
– then what methods did researchers at the 19th century used to write about humor.
– at the end of the introduction, include my thesis and hypothesis: (my thesis: There is a statistically significant relationship between the extracted vocabulary(diction) from the data set and humor situations in the selected novels).
the hypothesis:( The researcher assumes a significant relation between the literary diction automatically extracted from the dataset and presentations of humor types. Moreover, there is a significant connection between the bigrams and trigrams extracted from the dataset and humor types identified in them.
I will use text mining to analyze humor in “Emma” by Jane Austen, “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome, and “The Diary of a Nobody” by George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith)

2- Findings: you need to check the Excel sheets of the results and a file called (DTM TABLE FOR REPEATED WORDS) i got from the digital analysis I did on the novel and try to find vocabulary repeated in the novels that indicate humor or have any humorous context and elaborate on that. also take a look at the sample paper i uploaded to see how the researches explained her results and follow her style.
a discussion will contain your ideas about the results and if the results match the hypothesis or not ( also take a look at the sample uploaded)

4-Conclusion: contain the thesis + results summary + personal opinion.

5- further research: This study would also be beneficial to whom?
+ what can researchers add for this to be better. ( check the sample research)





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