Digital Marketing Strategy

Paper details:

Need to articulate a well-founded business case for the implementation of the digital marketing Strategy.
The Files Attached:

  1. Online Students assignment guidelines- Read from Pages 23 -38. This outlines the requirements for the Strategy.
  2. Assignment 2 Digital Marketing Strategy Draft 11 is the file I have started to write.
  3. VIP Attraction Action Plan_Content_Budget (Excel File) are the files used as describe in the requirements.

Sections 7 and 8 are very difficult due to the word count. I have the option to do a worded Overview of the Action plan and Content Calendar but have to make reference to the Spreadsheet.

    VIP Attractions is a world-renowned, multi-award winning Airport Concierge and Lounge Service company operating in Jamaica’s two international airports.
    This digital marketing strategy for VIP Attractions for the year 2019 examines the opportunity for improved online presence and sales growth through a variety of digital channels.
    A situational analysis was conducted to get a clear understanding on VIP Attractions current marketing activities, digital activities, budget and resources. During the analyses, it was identified

there is 5 digital marketing team which are underutilized. A S.W.O.T and PESTLE analysis also illustrates the internal and external factors that impacts the organization.
The next section identified three priority audience personas that VIP Attractions has in its customer base as well as growth opportunity area and to maximize the effectiveness of the digital

marketing strategy.
Next area covers the business goals and digital objectives which are aligned to deliver on the revenue targets. Social Media, search engine marketing and email marketing are a few of the

channels explored to help to deliver on these objectives and goals. With these improvements and among others, will, in turn, increase online sales from direct customers with a Return on

Investment by over 25%. This is then followed by the digital channels which will be used to deliver on these goals.
A detailed action plan and budget are provided to outline the requirements needed to implement the strategic plan. Following this, measurement methods are given to ensure objectives are met

on time and within budget.

    VIP Attractions, established in 2011, is an Airport Concierge and Lounge Service, and an awardee of the World Travel Awards for the Caribbean’s Leading Airport Lounge for three (3) consecutive

years. The company under the brands Club Mobay and Club Kingston operates the only lounges in Jamaica’s two international airports. VIP Attractions offers personalized meet and greet,

Fast-Track and other lounge related services. The company has an annual Gross Revenue of USD$11,239,000 and employs over 430 staff members. In 2016 the company launched its newest

business venture, Jamaica Experiences and by 2020 the company is looking to expand its operations to other Caribbean territories. (VIP Attractions , 2017).

    VIP Attractions has had an inconsistent approach to its digital presence to date. In order to improve the company’s overall performance and to maximise revenues, the company has decided to

move to a Digital First strategy approach.
The Commercial department is responsible for all marketing initiatives and activities. Four (4) employees within the commercial department are responsible for digital marketing activities. 90%

of the company’s marketing efforts are B2B, with activities such as familiarization (FAM) trips, expos/events, preferred rates and printed flyers distributed to local and international partners

(Appendix 2). A local marketing agency is responsible for maintaining the company’s website and VIP Attractions Reservation System, VIPER, allows the business to manage its lounge services

and facilitates CRM and reporting functions.
The current annual marketing spend is USD$320,398 and Digital Marketing spend currently accounts for 1.1% of this – (Appendix 2 – Salary cost not included).
Figure 1 outlines VIP Attractions current digital activities.
Current Digital Activities & Analysis
Website Over 62% of its website users are from the USA and Jamaica at 23%. Organic Search at 54% is the main source of traffic and traffic from direct access accounting for 27%. Traffic from

social media is over 6%, which highlights an opportunity to grow website traffic through this media. 44% of website traffic access the site via their mobile and with a bounce rate of almost 62%.

Mobile website is poorly optimised at 58/100.
SEO Optimize for brand terms only. Opportunity to optimized for more generic terms
PPC The company currently does no PPC campaigns but its brands names are used by their travel partners in PPC Ads.
Email Advocacy emails sent to guest who completes comment cards.
Display Commission based banner Ads are on partners websites.
Social Media *Post once per week on Facebook. Instagram is most

engaged platform *minimal to no response to followers/fans comments *Strategy needed with clear owner
Mobile No mobile Marketing Activities.
Analytics Online statistics are generated from VIPER and Google Analytics but are not being analysed. Strategy needed with a clear owner and analytics activation plan
Conversion Optimization No conversion optimization activities. Strategy needed with a clear owner.
Source: (Appendix 20), (Appendix 21)

3.1 SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis was conducted to analyze VIP Attractions internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities or threats that may occur.
Figure 2: S.W.O.T Analysis

• World Class Team
• Excellent value for price
• Excellent product rating on review sites
• Unique Business to Jamaica

• Seasonality of Business
• Revenue stream mainly from partners
• Lack of brand awareness online outside of Travel Partners environment

O Opportunities
• Airlines adding new flights to Jamaica
• Lack of similar lounge experience in the Caribbean
• Tourism Growth in Jamaica
• Great add on product for luxury tourism brands

T Threats
• Airport Concessionaires improving offerings
• Overcrowding on peak days pose a threat to ‘VIP’ experience
• Airport and Airlines becoming more efficient

Source: (Appendix 3), (Appendix 7)

3.2 Competitor Benchmarking Analysis
The Sangster International Airport operation is an industry competitor and Sandals Jamaica is an industry player to which VIP Attractions can benchmark against. The below table is a

comparison of the digital activities between VIP Attractions, MBJ Airport and Sandals Jamaica.
Figure 3
Summary Digital Comparison
Digital Activities VIP Attractions MBJ Sandals
Global Rank 2,506,954 1,881,018 43,652
Daily time on site 1:43 1:49 6:18
Sites linking in 125 126 2136
SEO Ranking 33 42 68
Website Speed score Mobile 59/100 62/100 91/100
Website Speed score Desktop 85/100 44/100 67/100
Facebook Fans 14,300 1,852 1,479,492
Facebook Engagement 851 269 18,500
Instagram Followers 2,240 806 366,000
Instagram Engagement 770 687 61,000
Twitter Followers 1282 453 244K
Twitter Engagement 28 77 2,005
Source: (Appendix 8-16)

3.3 PESTLE Analysis
The PESTLE model below represents the main macro-environmental factors that Impacts VIP Attractions and its marketing activities.
Figure 4:
P Politics E Economic S Social T Technological L

Legal E Environment
• Jamaica considers regulating Social Media which will impact advertising
• Jamaica to create a Technology Innovation Fund (TIF) to catalyse the growth of technology-based ventures. This will impact technology resources • Paying commission to online affiliate

partners, impacts profit
• Review sites, impacts target audience purchase decision • The rise in Millennial travellers and their expectations impacts how the company serves and communicate to their

• Huge demand for digital skills and knowledge within the workforce impacts human resources • Technology allows for real-time exchange of information and the company is better able

to manage their customers’ expectations
• Mobile Devices changes how people book and plan their travels. Need to have Mobile friendly website • Little governance and regulations in Jamaica for digital channels.

• Sponsorship Agreements -Bloggers writing articles need to disclose sponsorship arrangements • No recycling laws in Jamaica. Disposal of electronics can affect the environment.
• currently customers are required to print confirmation letters. Need to go paperless. • Jamaica to ban plastic products such as straws in 2019.

Source: (Campbell, 2017), (Jamaica Labour Party, 2016), (Expedia Media Solution, 2017), (Boodie, 2018), (Amadeus, 2012), (The Jamaica Gleaner, 2018), (Appendix 7)

    The Primary target audiences were selected based on, generation age range (Millennial & Genartion X) their demand for travel, the present visitor profile through the Club Mobay Lounge,

Jamaica leisure tourist market share and returning visitors. (Jamaica Tourist Board, 2016)
The secondary target audience comprise of business travellers from the Millennial Generation and was selected based on demand for travel and visitor profile for Norman Manley International

Airport (NMIA) and Club Kingston Lounge.
4.1 Primary Target Audiences- Leisure Travelers
Persona 1: Jack & Melanie
Jack and Melanie aged 32 and 28 respectively are newly married couples from South, USA. Their approximated household income is $74,500. Melanie works as a full time Store Manager and Jack

works as a Sales Manager. (Appendix 7) (Appendix 6 Q11-13)
(Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya from Pexels, 2017)
Market Size (annual) (Jamaica Tourist Board, 2017)
 396K
Preferred Channels & Devices (Appendix 6: Q8, Q6, Q7) (Expedia Media Solution, 2017)
 Search Engines – for planning holidays.
 Internet – pay bills, shopping and visiting social networking sites
 Facebook and Instagram
 Smartphones for searching inspirations on where to travel and during travel, Desktop or Laptop when booking travels
Influences & Motivation (Expedia Media Solution, 2017)
 Appealing imagery, deals and informative content can help to influence their decision
 Expects travel deals and will make last-minute purchases if getting a great deal

Persona 2: Ben & Elena
Ben and Elena aged 50 and 46 respectively are married couple from Northeast, USA, with an approximated household income of $100,000. Elena works as a full-time Sales Executive while Ben

works as a self-employed business person. (Appendix 7) (Appendix 6 Q11-13)
(Photo by Adam Kontor from Pexels, n.d.)

Market Size (annual) (Jamaica Tourist Board, 2017)
 639K
Preferred Channels & Devices (Appendix 6: Q8, Q6, Q7) (Expedia Media Solution, 2017)
 Internet to make purchases and conduct research.
 Facebook for inspirations.
 Smartphone and Desktop when researching and booking holidays.
 Review Sites when planning or making final decisions for travels.

Influence for travelling (Luthresearch, 2017) (Expedia Media Solution, 2017)
 Informative content from destination and travel brands can influence their decision.

Expectations (Expedia Media Solution, 2017) (Loo, 2017)
 When planning and booking travel arrangements, the experience must be useful, personal and frictionless.

4.2 Secondary Target Audience – Business Travelers

Persona 3 : Business Traveler Wendy
Wendy age 33, is single and lives in Kingston, Jamaica. She is an Export Sales Manager and travels at least twice per year for business. Her income is estimated to be on the higher scale. When

travelling for business she likes to have a quiet place to catch up on work. (Appendix 7)
(Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels, 2018)
Market Size (Statistical Institute of Jamaica, n.d.)
 166K
Preferred Channels & Devices (Statscounter, Globalstats, 2018)
 Internet – to keep in touch with friends and for social networking sites
 Facebook and YouTube
 Smartphones and Desktop
 Online Travel Agencies when booking travel

Expectations (Vivion, 2017) (Sheivachman, 2017)
 Access to information at any time

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