Discussion board World Religions.

The reading and the supplemental video of the Sermon on the Mount talk about the foundations of Christian ethics. As noted, Christian ethics are founded on the Ten Commandments and on the Great Commandment (Love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself). Both of these sets of “rules” come from the Jewish context. Jesus adds to this with the Beatitudes; a list of blessings that sometimes seems paradoxical: those with the least shall receive the most. After watching the video, and looking up a list of the Beatitudes, how do the Beatitudes, and in general, the Sermon on the Mount relate to the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment? That is, can you see a connection between the actions called for in the Beatitudes (actions such as humility and peacefulness) and the actions called for in the Ten Commandments/Great Commandment? What do the Beatitudes add to Christian ethics beyond the Ten Commandments?


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