Research Question: How can Game-theory be used to both analyze and predict the outcome of current US-China Trade war?
Definitions: search and use those
1)Prisoner’s Dilemma:
1.Dominated Strategy
2.Nash Equilibrium
2)Dynamic Game:
1.Strategy profile
2.Backward Induction
3.Subgame Perfection (subgame perfect Nash equilibrium)
4.Decision nodes (branches where action is taken at)
5.Terminal nodes (payoffs)
3)Multi-stage game with discounting:
1.Discount rate
2.Deviation (whether on stage or infinite)
3.Grimm trigger strategy
4.Nash Folk theorem
5.Minimax payoff
4)Bayesian game with incomplete information
1.Type of player uncertainty
2.Nature (for chance moves, the appropriate probabilities)
3.Type of player (for each position, the different types that occupy it)
4.Beliefs (what each type believes about the other types)
5.Belief profile: a probability distribution over each node in each information set
6.Strategy profile: a mapping from information sets to actions for everyone
7.Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
8.Information set