Netflix Proposed new product: Live Stream TV for Netflix Type of Document: Word Document (template attached) OVERVIEW: Creativity and diversity can lead to outcomes that both maximize profit and enhance social well-being. Business leaders use measurable factors to help determine design and development decisions, "go” or "no-go” milestones, financial models, and many "what-if" scenarios. In this process, the new product or service [Live Stream TV for Netflix] is considered as part of a system. SCENARIO: You completed your BMC and realize it is now time to develop the financial component. In the comments, the PM also stated that no matter how good an idea is, to senior management, it’s a “no-go” if the new product or service does not produce sales. PROMPT: For this assignment, The PM’s directive at this point is for you to develop a 24-month pro forma that demonstrates the potential profitability of the new product/service [Live Stream TV for Netflix] in an income statement. You will use the Module Six Assignment Template linked in the Guidelines for Submission section to complete this assignment. You may use Netflix’s current income statement to project what can be added to the company’s profitability. This can be found in the company’s 10-K. Look to other companies in the marketplace with products or services similar to the one you are proposing as a basis for your projections. Additionally, you may use the company’s current year numbers and key assumptions based on your analysis of the market to project into the future. Remember, these numbers are purely speculative. In the template, you will specifically address the following rubric criteria in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner: 1. Previous fiscal year a. Identify historical information for the previous fiscal year. 2. 24-month projections a. Speculate projections for 24 months. 3. Explanation of assumptions a. Provide a detailed explanation on how you were able to speculate appropriate assumptions. Guidelines for Submission: Submit the completed Module Six Assignment Template Word Document as a Word Document. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Make sure you have included all the required elements/criteria by reviewing the Module Six Assignment Rubric.