Drought severity level with SPI and MDM software

OTHER: The whole part starting from the table of contents., Abstract, objectives of the study, and all parts of the thesis to be just ready for last submission.

Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#321758541): I want some of the unfinished data analysis done and then discussion and conclusion.

I want the following to be done.

  1. I want some more details added on Methodology
  2. Calculate the remaining drought severity level with SPI and MDM software
  3. On chapter 4 comparing the drought severity level with the meteorological data
  4. Add chapter 5 with title discussion with conclusion
  5. Explain why I choose the three Indexes, by mentioning the area coverage, appropriateness and consistency on conclusion. Write in detail about each index, especially why it will be appropriate in Thailand area. Should have more information about each.
  6. Change the graph and make it more attractive

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