Education History





Historical Individuals and Complete Website (100 Total Points)

This assignment consists of creating an Education History webpage that includes a listing of a minimum of 10 significant individuals who contributed to the history of education in the United States. (Note: The individuals you select must be mentioned in either the Fraser or the Urban text – no exceptions!).

Completing Your Website:

Complete your Weebly Website ( Be sure to only include the following pages: 1) Welcome page, 2) About Me page, 3) Discussion Prompt Blog Page and 4) Education History page. Each of these pages is described in detail below. For help, view the screencasts provided below.

Welcome – This page should identify the website as your professional learning website. Include a nice image that represents your field of study.

About Me – This page should contain an introduction about you and your views on education. Write a couple of paragraphs that explain your educational background, your views on education, and how you think education will impact your future. A picture of yourself would be nice but is optional.

Discussion Prompt Blog Page – This page must be formatted as a blog page (this is an option in Weebly). Post your responses to the weekly discussion prompts on this blog page. (This is where I will grade them weekly.) Be sure to start each blog entry with the discussion prompt. Follow the directions for assignment two above.

Education History – At the top of the page write a one-paragraph introduction to the page. Below this, create a two-column layout on the page. Add information on at least 10 individuals discussed in the course (each individual must be mentioned in either the Fraser or Urban text) by using the text tool. Include the individual’s full name, a picture, a paragraph listing the major contribution and impact each had on American education. Include at least one hypertext link to additional material (the name and the picture should be the hypertext link).

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