Electoral College

ith a controversial presidential election in recent history (2016), the role of the Electoral College is often cited as Donald Trump lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College majority. A handful of elections throughout history 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000 had the same outcome. Political passions really tend to flare when this happens!The purpose of this assignment is to perform research about the Electoral College and engage in discussion as to whether it should remain part of the U.S. Constitution and political system. This assignment will help you understand the purpose of the Electoral College as well as the controversies surrounding it as you formulate an opinion while answering the following questions: What are the arguments in support of the Electoral College? What are the arguments against the Electoral College? Either way, what does it all mean for voters?Consider both sides of the argument. What evidence was effective for supporting the Electoral College? What evidence was effective for abolishing the Electoral College?Based on the information you studied, how would you respond to the following questions?What are the arguments in support of the Electoral College (or why should we keep the Electoral College – what are the benefits?)? What are the arguments against the Electoral College (or why should we abolish the Electoral College?Do you support or oppose the Electoral College? Why? What are the implications for voters either way?

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