Employees and senior leadership at SLUHE



You’ve been working closely with employees and senior leadership at SLUHE and have completed your Training Needs Assessment to better understand how to design the training for the new inventory system.
Click the link below for a short summary of the TNA.
TNA notes for Inventory System Training
You’ll need to work closely with Opie, the VP of Operations to set objectives and design training for all impacted employees. Opie seems excited. He tells you, “This has to be a joint effort. I’m happy to lend my product and system knowledge, and you bring the training knowledge. Let’s meet tomorrow afternoon to discuss what we need to prioritize to get started on this!”
Based on the material covered in this module and Chapter 5 of our textbook,
What do employees need to learn in this training? How will the Operations department need to contribute to the design of the training? How will the Talent Development team need to contribute? Will there be a need for any external training resources, and if so, what?
• Propose TWO specific and measurable learning objectives for the training.

• Discuss your most important priorities for planning and designing the training


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