Energy policy and important international economicinterests and power dynamics

Energy policyisnt just about energy. There are important international economicinterests and power dynamics involved as well. You are to write a brief paper (4 5 pages) exploring the basics of this issue, as it pertains to world politics. In particular, we are concerned with international dynamics associated with strategic geo-political interests, international cooperation, bargaining, economicwell-being, as well as the stability of the planetary environment (Iguess). The parameters of the assignment are as follows:

review the three IR theories we have explored this semester. Explain each theory in detail. Next,you should explain the types of concerns each theory would focus ongiven the assumptions / perspective each holds, in relation tointernational energy policy. Why do the theories focus on theinternational dynamics they do? Develop your responses in titled sections(Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism). Utilize supportingquotations from the assigned readings (especially the assigned articles).

In Part Two,you are to develop an energy policy for a randomly selected country inthe world (use Belarus for the paper). The United States of AmericaCANNOT be selected. Though, you may want to review energy related information regarding the U.S.A as you develop your countrys energy policy. Thissection is meant to be a policy brief / memo to the leaders of yourstate. This section should start with a summation of information criticalto your country as it pertains to energy policy. Be as thorough asnecessary to fully support the energy policy that you develop subsequently.This section will be assessed for your grade. Utilize the followinglinks to obtain the needed country level information:


Ifyou believe you require additional information resources, clear thesewith the instructor first. Before developing your energy policy, reviewALL the links on the next page. These links are meant to aid you inyour energy policy development. Once you have the needed information, develop your policy. NOTE the IR theory that most informs your policy perspective (Realism, Liberalism, or Constructivism).These policy memos cannot be overly idealistic or needlessly resistantto change. Your policy MUST be appropriate to the distinct international reality your state faces. A few points to consider: What is the objective of your policy? Why is your position thecorrect / best one? Explain why your state should follow yourrecommendations. How would you suggest your state achieve this objective?Will you have to CHANGE norms within your state to accomplish yourgoals? What are the associated cost and benefits of your policy recommendation? Do you have a time horizon in mind to achieve your energy policy goals? Youare being graded on your comprehension and critical application of ourIR theories to a real-world issue and its associated material facts. Good luck.



Information Links:
“Cobalt Red”: Smartphones & Electric Cars Rely on Toxic Mineral Mined in Congo by Children


Trump, NATO, and Energy Foreign Policy

NORD Stream Pipeline Explosion

Germany Restarting Coal Powerplants

US Developing a Fusion Reactor

Zimbabwes Power Struggles
Chinas Belt and Road Initiative


Japan and African Development

Japan Export Its Education

US Energy Interests in Africa

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