evaluation article critique

Assignment: Evaluation Article critique.
Read the evaluation article for your theme. Write an article critque in essay form. Some things you will want to do are:
1. Describe the goal of the intervention that was evaluated.
2. Explain why the researchers and/or practioners thought the intervention would or would not be successful.
3. Summarize the results of the evaluation. Did the intervention work? (The answer to this may be complex).
4. Describe the type of evaluation design, such as experiment, quasi-experiment, single-system, or action research; summative or process; qualitative or quantitative. What research methods were used?
5. Describe the stakeholders in the project (the people and organizations that have a “stake” or investment in the results of the evaluation).
6. Summarize what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation (not the intervention). Make sure that you consider issues of internal and external validity, sampling and generalizability.
7. If you ran a school, agency or other organization for which it was appropriate, would you try this intervention? Why or why not? What was your opinion of the intervention? How, if at all, would you change the program and/or the evaluation?
As always, this should be in essay format and carefully proofread.

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