Festive mood


The festivities ended in high gear, and January found us still in a festive mood- we had to cut them though, because it was the New Year, and things needed
to go back to normal as quickly as possible. The spring semester is starting tomorrow- I needed to bring my head back to thinking about books.
“It is open,” I shout. It is my small brother Keith at the door waking me up to start the day. The young boy is an early bird, he is the chatterbox of our family, his
jokes keep us all smiling, it is hard to find a single moment he is not happy. I am happy to hear his voice save for the sweet dream he has interrupted, and it is
about a girl I’m crazy about in school.
I jump out of bed. It is a beautiful Monday. I am intrigued by the dream I just had. It is about Jennifer, my crush at school. “I now dream about her?” my
thoughts are giving me a rollercoaster about her- there is no doubt I do like Jennifer.
“Good morning, mum,” I greet my mum, who is in the kitchen making breakfast, I smell eggs, and I’m excited mum is making her signature pancakes- we all
love them in the house. Mum and I are so close, and she is my best friend. I’m still thinking about Jennifer.
“I think I’m in love mommy,” she turns to look at me with a smile.
“That’s a good thing son, when is she coming for dinner?” my mum responds as she turns off the cooker, she is done making breakfast.
“This night, she was in my dreams, mum,” by this time, my mum started laughing while making faces at me.
“So it was just a dream? Is there even a girl in your life really?” coming to think of it, I realize I made no sense anyway. As I walk, I can still hear my mum
It is Tuesday, and I’m back to school. My eyes are on Jennifer who is seated in the front row. From behind her long hair shines as the sun rays enter the
classroom through the window. I can tell she has sprayed her hair this morning. I keep my eyes on her hoping she will turn around so I can look into her big
brown eyes and, if possible, blow a kiss on her way.
“Dude, the teacher is in class.” It was my desk-mate, Joe. I didn’t notice the teacher walk in. My mind was with Jennifer all this time.
“Good morning students,” the English teacher greets.
“Good morning sir,” we respond in unison.
After class, I am all psyched up to meet Jennifer. By this time, I have resolved to introduce myself and build up a friendship. Joe is all excited about it. My
friend knows I like Jennifer.

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