Finance Problem for Procter and Gamble doing Cross Sectional Analysis and Trend Analysis

You may use the following sources to help you find the ratios: Value line, simply Wall Street, market watch, Nasdaq .com, and .

****The main company that is being analyzed is Procter and Gamble (PG)

Develop a table showing various ratios for your company and the competitors (which are listed above). Try to find the industry averages. If you cannot find it, estimate the average of ratios for your sample (consisting of 4 or 5 stocks). Use that average as industry average. You are required to perform the Cross Sectional Analysis, as well as Trend Analysis.
Quantitative Analysis. In your write out after the table examine each and every ratio. On some ratios your stock may be the best. On some other ratios it may be the worst. On some ratios it may be in the middle. After examining each ratio, you are now ready to give your final verdict. Based on our overall Quantitative analysis state whether your stock is the best, the worst, or in the middle.

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