
1. The texts says that the slope of F(X) determines the behaviour of the population
around the carrying capacity. Illustrate
(a) a case where the population converges smoothly to the carrying capacity
(b) a case where the population overshoots but still converges to the carrying capacity
(c) a case where the population reaches a limit cycle around the carrying capacity
2. Why do economists argue that the maximum sustainable yield is not the optimal
level of harvest for a fishery?
3. What effect does increasing the discount rate have on the optimal level of harvest.?
4. Use the Gordon-Schaefer model to show the harvest and stock level for an openaccess
5. Use the Gordon-Schaefer model to show the harvest and stock level for an optimally
regulated fishery.
6. Is critical depensation really a serious matter? The reading by M Liermann (2001)
may be useful

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