Fundraising letter


Solicitation Letter – 50 pts.

ArtsWave will celebrate their 92nd anniversary in 2020 and hope to increase contributed income, or donations, through 92 new corporate workplace-giving campaigns. Select a local company and write a solicitation letter that will be distributed to those employees who are not yet donors and ask them to donate to the 2020 campaign. The letter should make a clear case for the value of ArtsWave in the community and the impact their gift will make to support the work of ArtsWave in the community. The details of this project are up to you to imagine and elaborate upon. Be creative!

Letter of Inquiry – 50 pts.

Identify a local foundation and write a Letter of Inquiry introducing the foundation to ArtsWave, its mission and programming and outlining your Case for Support (why you need the funding). The details of this project are up to you to imagine and elaborate upon. Be creative!

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