Geek Squad Email Header and Netflix Email header.

Step 1: Download both emails. They are called: Geek Squad Email Header and Netflix Email header.

Step 2: View these YouTube videos:

Hidden Secrets of Email Headers: (Links to an external site.)

This is what Rob Braxman was talking about in his video:

Base64: (Links to an external site.)

Email Experts – email headers: (Links to an external site.)

Step 3: Questions to answer: I know you know these two emails are bogus. Why are they? Just look at the email itself for these answers.

Step 4: Now look at the email header. Try to ping any of the IP addresses. Do they work? Try using the IP address in Google. Does it work? Try typing in the phone number(s) into Google. Does it work?

Step 5: Write up all of the above results.

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