Gerrymandering ( see description for full question)


Purpose: The purpose of this writing task is to demonstrate that you can effectively: -Use an evaluation argument for your thesis. -Conduct research on a current issue and identify effective evidence, using a variety of credible sources, to support your argument. -Use the multi-step writing process (brain storming, outlining, drafting, and revision) to create a quality final product. Task: Use an (ethical or categorical) evaluation argument to support your position on an issue of your choice on governance and/or politics in the US or elsewhere. Please be aware that your position can be a positive or negative evaluation (or a little of both). Use an (ethical or categorical) evaluation claim and thesis that reflects this style claim Paper Requirements: -6-page paper (approximately 1500 words), double spaced 12 pt. Times New Roman font using MLA. -Use at least 6 credible sources, with in-text citation and a “Works Cited” page. -Include a title for your essay—be creative! -Use an (ethical or categorical) evaluation claim and thesis that reflects this style claim -Clear thesis statement at the end of the introduction. Question: Gerrymandering is not a new phenomenon, nor a partisan practice. In fact, the Supreme Court will be hearing a case on the constitutionality of gerrymandering this year; however, in past cases the SCOTUS has failed to rule the practice unconstitutional. The custom of “redrawing” congressional districts to manipulate the electorate has distorted congress and threatens our democratic process.

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