Global Health Funding

Besides being devastating to a local community, outbreaks of infectious diseases, foodborne illnesses, or contaminated pharmaceuticals and other products can spread from country to country and also impact trade and travel. Although each countrys government decides upon the amount and priorities of support toward global health funding, some countries contribute a larger proportion of their financial wealth than others.

For this assignment, you will research global health initiatives and their funding worldwide. You will develop a comparison paper supported by at least one graphic or diagram depicting how global funding from a selected country compares to global contributions from the United States.

Step 1. Research
Research global health funding from a country other than the United States and compare funding resources, priorities, and proportional amounts of contributions for the U.S. and the other country. Choose at least one peer-reviewed article to support your comparison.

Step 2. Detail
Detail global funding contributions from the U.S. and your chosen country. Consider the following areas for your comparison:

the methodology of prioritization of global health needs,
prioritizing global health organizations and initiatives,
percentage of national wealth contributed to global health funds,
protocols for accessing and utilizing global health funding, and
political or social drivers of global funding policies.
Step 3. Consider
Consider how to effectively communicate your findings in a comparison paper. Review the lesson Comparing and Contrasting Skills (with 2 videos) linked on the Learning Objects page for tips. Locate or develop at least one graphic or diagram to illustrate your comparison.


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