Global Warming~ Climate Change and implications

Global Warming~ Climate Change and implications

The Wicked Problem of Global Warming and Climate Change Implications and Risk Management


Global warming is characterized as a wicked problem, a complex difficult problem that has real world constraints that hinders risk-free attempts to find a solution. Traditional risk management would not be a sustainable approach to help solve the impending global warming implications, “The use of a traditional method disregards, and ignores, any uncertainties arising from systems’ complexities and unpredictable behaviors.’’(Koelsch,2014) As a result, we must evolve and assess the way we manage the risks associated with global warming and climate change implications. An integrated risk management approach to assessing the risks of global warming and climate change implications would help address the issues of adaptation and mitigation of global warming. This research project will provide an overview of integrated risk management analysis practice addressing global warming and climate change implications.

Problem Statement

The importance of identifying appropriate methods to assess risk for the unpredictable ramifications of risk involved with global warming has been recognized by the industry. When there is certainty in loss, risk can be easier to treat and plan for, however the risk involved in global warming and climate change implications is uncertain. The management of risk become an important problem and a lot more complex to assess. There are serious implications involved to society if global warming cannot be managed. It has, is, and will affect economies, the environments, and societies on various scales of magnitude. Global warming is pure risk, there is no possibility of gain so far, only ways to mitigate and adapt to global warming and climate change implications. There are a lot of issues that contribute to the issue of global warming and climate change implications like lack of understanding on the subject politically (science vs hoax) and the social consensus. In summary, there is a need for a better assessment of global warming and climate change implications and risk management in identifying the risk, evaluation, and selection of management techniques to help the in progress of managing, mitigate, adapting, and being proactive regarding risk. More specifically, the following research questions need to be addressed:

1. What are the typical risks found in global warming and climate change risk management?

2. How to classify these risks for easier identification and evaluation?

3. What are the current industry practices as well as research advancements in evaluating and solving this risk?

How to unify the risks classification knowledge and various risk evaluating efforts into a framework for risk management. Furthermore, I will go through a risk management process in the paper (indefinity the risk, evaluate the risk, select risk management technique, and implement and review decisions).


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