

There’s two parts to this paper. Part 1 has to be a Essay in which you describe and defend John Stewart Mill’s view on happiness. Part 2 has to be From the perspective of John Stewart Mill, critique Kant’s position. The paper has to be 2 pages, no less than 2 pages please. Also, Please give both part 1 and part 2 title so it’s clear on the paper on which is part 1 and which is part 2. The first page (part 1) of the paper needs to be over part 1 which is an essay describing and defending John Stewart Mill’s view on happiness. The second page (part 2) of the paper is from the perspective of John Stewart Mill, critiquing Kant’s position. This is what the instructor wants in the paper “The written portion should follow the standard academic format for papers. It should also include a bibliographical source for the information. Wikipedia is not a credible source. A minimum of two sources is required for each philosopher. You should attempt to use at least one book as a source of information. If you cannot find a useful book, you may use a published article. Your textbook cannot be used as one of your two sources.”

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