“Herb and Dorothy”

Watch “Herb and Dorothy” in it’s entirety. It is about 77 min. long. You can watch it for free here:
Type up a summary of your experience watching the film.
Who are the Vogels? How would you describe them?
What have they accomplished? Why are they known? Why are they notable?
How would you describe their living space, which was also where they housed their collection?
What work/s of art are you most impressed with in their collection, why?
What challenges did the Vogels face in building their collection?
Where did they decide to donate their collection to? Why? What did the recipient of their collection decide to do
with the work?
What, if anything, did you find fascinating about this film? Why?
Find one quote from Dorothy and one from Herb in this film and include them in your assignment. Why were
the quotes notable to you?
What questions are you left with after watching this film?

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