How the data flow in the analogy correlates to the TCPIP model.

Consider the network analogy from the module content (included below). Review how the data flow in the
analogy correlates to the TCPIP model. Identify and thoroughly discuss three issues that you could foresee
occurring in the flow. Also, include your thoughts on how or if it can be prevented or mitigated.
Minimum requirements:
A minimum of three full paragraphs.
Submit only one document via the link title above.
Use paragraph structure. Use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling.
Place a header on your page that contains your first and last name, the assignment name, and the course
code from page two of the syllabus.
Your document must be one of the following formats (.doc, .docx, or .rtf).
Cite any and all sources.
Module 4 Network Analogy

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