How this high-ranking segment in the general environment influences the corporation


Assess how this high-ranking segment in the general environment influences the corporation and the industry in which it operates.
Step 2. Considering the Five Forces of Competition, choose one that you estimate to be the most significant for the selected corporation:

Evaluate how well the corporation addressed this force in the last five years. Support your response with relevant, specific evidence.
Step 3. With the same force in mind, predict how the corporation could improve its ability to address this force in the next 5-10 years. Support your response with relevant, specific evidence.Step 4. Consider the external threats affecting the corporation:

Assess how the corporation should deal with its most serious external threat. Support your position with two pieces of specific evidence.
Step 5. Consider the opportunities available to the corporation:

Assess how the corporation should deal with its greatest opportunity. Support your position with two pieces of specific evidence.
Step 6. Consider the corporation’s greatest strengths:

Determine the strategy or tactic, as explained in the textbook, the corporation should use to maximize its strengths. Support your choice with specific evidence.
Step 7. Consider the corporation’s most significant weaknesses:

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