How to understand and manage resistance

Understand and manage resistance, analyse the path to take
During this workshop we will look, in more detail, at resistance to change and how to handle this resistance. We then continue to look at how to analyse the need to change and the best path to select for implementing this change successfully.
• The reasons to resist change
• How to handle this resistance
• Analysing the change (Force Field Analysis)
• Johnson, G., Scholes, K. & Whittington, R. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy. Essex: Prentice Hall. Chapter; Managing Strategic Change, Force Field Analysis
•, download the Force Field Analysis worksheet
• Whetten, D. & Cameron, K. (2011). Developing management skills. Edinburgh: Pearson Education p.p. 135-137 (Force Field Analysis & Resistance)
• Bhattacharyya, D.K. (2013). Managing Change with a Time-Tested Organic Model. Compensation & Benefits Review 2013, Vol. 45(6) 340 –349. DOI: 10.1177/0886368714525011 (you can access this via Sage, digital library NHL Stenden).
Preparation assignment
• Study the literature and show that you use it when answering the questions. Your answers have to be based on the literature (see above).
• Please use the template provided on Blackboard.
• Use APA referencing style!
Assignment (Individual & Group)

  1. Why do people resist change? What are the most common reasons? Research this and list at least 7 reasons. Use at least 2 sources and state these (individual assignment);
  2. Read theory on the Force Field Analysis (FFA). What is the FFA? When is it used and how is it used? (individual assignment);
  3. Download the worksheet from the link above. In order to be able to complete the FFA worksheet during workshop 2, discuss in your group what needs to change and what resistance you are expecting with this change, bring your list of pro’s and con’s to the session (group assignment).
  4. Finally, read the article on the ‘Organic Model’. This will be used for your presentation in workshop 3, but you will have to become acquainted with its contents before workshop 2 in order to understand the assignment for workshop 3. This article provides a nice summary of the most frequently used models/theories of change management and is therefore a good tool to use for your implementation in workshop 3, but also for your general knowledge on the most renown change management models (individual assignment);
    The Preparation assignment must be printed and brought into the workshop. Make another print for
    yourself and put it in your management skills binder.

Comments from Customer
Assignment (Individual & Group)

  1. Why do people resist change? What are the most common reasons? Research this and list at least 7 reasons. Use at least 2 sources and state these (individual assignment);
  2. Read theory on the Force Field Analysis (FFA). What is the FFA? When is it used and how is it used? (individual assignment);
  3. Download the worksheet from the link above. In order to be able to complete the FFA worksheet during workshop 2, discuss in your group what needs to change and what resistance you are expecting with this change, bring your list of pro’s and con’s to the session (group assignment).
  4. Finally, read the article on the ‘Organic Model’. This will be used for your presentation in workshop

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