Human supremacy over the nature Earth


PLEASE you MUST READ the Instruction file.
this is about Eco-feminism. First, writer has to analyze the story of Wardens by Margaret Killijoy story and than make an argument, after that, support the argument from the other critical readings.

my argument and thesis would like to be about human’s arrogance and foolish that they do not understand nature network or non-human species.
Arguments should be coherent, logical and well supported and structured. The essay should follow the
conventions of syntax, grammar and punctuation as it is expected in all academic writing.

– Essays based on any of the stories we have seen in class. You can write a paper analyzing critically any of the short stories/memoirs we have already seen in this class by focusing on a specific topic/theme and using critical readings from the course material. Topics and themes must be chosen from those that we have seen in class.

– Essay Outline template:
o a) Introduction: provide a brief summary of the plot of the story/text (no more than 4 sentences); provide a thesis statement that fleshes out your main topic of your essay; take great care to base your topic on those provided above; indicate which characters you will be exploring to support your thesis (2-3 characters).
o b) Main analysis: step one: provide a brief definition/explanation of the main concepts that inform your analysis of the story. So for example if you are looking at how the story is in favor or critiques human supremacy you need to explain to your reader what is human supremacy before you begin to analyze the characters of the story. You need to do this by using reading material and direct quotes from material we have seen in class. Step two: Then proceed to analyze characters, some of the images of the story and the point of view of the story. All your points about the characters, point of view and images should be able to serve as support of your thesis.
o c) Conclusion: Summarize some of the most important points about the short story taking care to not sound repetitive; and to not introduce new ideas you have not discussed in the essay.
o The essay should have a concrete title that specifies the thematics of your main argument. In its introduction the essay should give a clear summary of the plot of the story that you’re going to analyze. The essay should have a clear introduction (that includes your main thesis), the main analysis of your chosen story, and a conclusion summarizing your basic argument. Use pagination in your essay.

– Any critical article used must be relevant to your points. When you use a reading please use or quote from the original article and not from my class notes. Example: you cannot say Val Plumwood argues that “the colonization of nature is…” and quote from my notes. You need to quote from Val Plumwood’s article “Decolonizing Relationships with Nature”. Although you can use paraphrasing of a writer I do need to see some actual quotes from the article that you are using that are well connected to your arguments.

– 3. You should use appropriate quotations to support your argument. References to citations must conform to the MLA style of referencing or any other style manual as long as your referencing remains fairly consistent throughout the essay.

– 4. Methodology: For the analysis of the story that you choose to discuss in your essay you are required to work with the story’s: CHARACTERS, POINT OF VIEW, AND MOST IMPORTANT IMAGES

– 5. Format: Your paper should be typed and printed unless otherwise indicated. Margins: 1 inch (2.54 cm) all around. Look at the format of the syllabus for an example. Font: 12-point font, Times New Roman is preferable. Double space. Pages: please number all your essay’s pages. Cover pages and titles: optional. Name/Student number: Top left or right of first page. Citations and Works Cited: use appropriate quotations to support your argument. References to citations must conform to the MLA style of referencing or any other style manual as long as your referencing remains fairly consistent throughout the essay.

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