
John is a 30 year old male who is overweight and smokes. He has been diagnosed with hypertension and arteriosclerosis

Define hypertension and explain the anatomy and physiology involved.
The American College of Cardiology and The American Heart Association published new guidelines in 2017 for diagnosing hypertension. What blood pressure readings would be considered hypertension and what blood pressure would define hypertensive crisis?
Define arteriosclerosis and explain what part of the cardiovascular system is involved and the physiological process by which it develops.
How are arteriosclerosis and hypertension related ?
What are the signs and symptoms of hypertension and why is hypertension called the “silent killer”?
Discuss 3 different categories of medications used to treat hypertension and explain their physiological action.
Name 3 changes in lifestyle that John could make which could help him manage his hypertension and prevent progression of cardiovascular disease . Explain physiologically how each lifestyle change could help.




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