Individual reflection

Internalized Patriarchy, Objectification, and Woman as ‘The Other’ in Global CinemaOverview: By the end of this week’s module, students will be able
to examine and discuss in writing one of this week’s films in terms on the second-class status to which women are subject in much of the world of the
21st century. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through the discussion and analysis of one of the assigned readings for the week and explain
in writing how that reading might apply to either Baran (2001) orWaijma, an Afghan Love Story (2013). You are free to choose which reading to reexamine in detail.

Students will then draft brief written reflections (two-three pages) based on an examination and analysis of their chosen reading
andfilm. Finally, students will establish connections between their new knowledge and their prior knowledge through two integrative ‘Aha Moment
Questions.’Prezi Video by Prof. Schwartz:Watch: Baran (Iran 2001) orWaijma, An Afghan Love Story (Afghanistan 2013). Available for instant
streaming via Amazon Prime.Read: 5.3 Laura Mulvey from Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema and2.4 Simone de Beauvoir from The Second
SexCollaborate: None. Begins Week 3Discuss: Using the critical thinking questions developed by The Foundation for Critical Thinking,discuss and
analyze a reading of your choice from this week. The critical thinking questions include:1) Author’s main purpose? How do you know? How might you
express that point more exactly? 2) Key questions examined? What might the writer(s) have had in mind? How could we check that?3) Most
important information? Could you provide some additional details to clarify your point(s)?4) Author’s main conclusions? Does that make sense? How
does what you think follow from the evidence you examine?5) Key concepts we need to understand in order to understand the reading? Other points
of view might we consider? 6) Main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking that we might question? How might you illustrate what you mean
more clearly?2
7) If you accept/reject the author’s line of thought, what might be a further implication? What factorsmake this a difficult issue?8) What seems to be
the author’s main point of view? Does that make sense based on your discussion of the course material? What might be an alternate perspective?
Write (Weekly Engagement – Due This Fri. 11:59pm): Develop an individual reflection (two-three pages double-spaced) in which you address two
points: 1) Respond, in your own words, to the following questions. How might you apply the article you chose to discuss to the film you watched for
this week? How does the article provide you with a deeper understanding of your chosen film? What deeper insight into the film does the article
permit? Why? Explain. Each student should express the ideas discussed in their own words!2) Based on your collaboration with the members of your
student learning team, what was your biggest aha moment? How might you connect that same aha moment to something you have learned in
another course? Each student should express his or her own ideas in their own words

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