Individuals transitioning from an institutional correctional setting to a community correctional setting





Individuals transitioning from an institutional correctional setting to a community correctional setting may have different needs than those individuals entering an institutional setting. In this assignment, you will review a case study, assess the individual based on the information provided, and propose evidence-based practices for helping this individual transition back into society.

Imagine you have been asked to create a transition plan for an individual transitioning out of an institutional correctional facility and back into society. You will be presenting your transition plan to your supervisor in a detailed report that includes research as a rationale for your plan.

Review the Case of Robert.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word report with your plan to assist the individual in this case study, in which you:

Describe why a community correctional assessment is necessary for this individual.
Use a community correctional assessment to determine the needs of this individual.
Describe evidence-based practices for working with this individual to address his or her specific needs as he or she re-enters society.



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