

▪ What are the major areas of the human brain and how do they develop during infancy? How does experience and stress affect the development of these brain areas during infancy?
▪ Define: Head-sparing, brain-stem, midbrain, cortex, prefrontal cortex, neuron, dendrite, synapses, neurotransmitter, transient exuberance, pruning

▪ What are self-aware/self-conscious emotions and when do we develop them? Why are they important for us to have when we are children?
▪ Define: Self-awareness, mirror recognition test
▪ Know: Different types of self-conscious emotions (pride, shame, anger, embarrassment, disgust, guilt)

▪ Why is synchrony important to the development of our brain and social skills early on in our lives?
▪ Define: synchrony; still-face experiment

▪ What is attachment and how does it develop? What is the difference between secure, insecure avoidant, insecure anxious/ambivalent, and insecure preoccupied attachment? How are these attachment styles affected by our experiences with close partners?
▪ Define: Attachment; Strange situation test; secure attachment; insecure avoidant attachment; insecure anxious/ambivalent/resistant attachment; insecure preoccupied attachment;

▪ What is Reactive Attachment Disorder? How can children develop it through their experiences with others? How does it affect them over time?
▪ Define: Reactive Attachment Disorder

▪ According to Jean Piaget’s theory, how do children develop their understanding of the world during the sensorimotor period?
▪ Define: Sensorimotor intelligence; object permanence

▪ How do infants and young children develop their language skills early on? What is “supposed” to happen in language development, according to the Universal Sequence of language development?
▪ Define: Babbling; holophrase; naming explosion; grammar

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