Institutions, Organizations, and Management

Although various authors have offered explanations to distinguish several approaches to understanding institutions, it is noteworthy that some authors tend to describe institutions as intentionally designed to resolve collective action problems, whereas another broad literature tends to regard them as socially constructed. Discuss the origins and the implications of the “design” school and the “constructed” school of thought. At a minimum, you should discuss the following:

(1) what are the assumptions underlying the disparate assumptions that institutions are “designed” or “constructed”?

(2) describe the literature and the more important authors in these two general approaches.

(3) describe the ways that epistemological assumptions and/or preferred research method may be associated with some authors’ orientations toward either the design or the constructed view of institutions.

(4) finally, describe where you come down in this distinction. Which general​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ approach do you prefer and why?”

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