Develop a paper that discusses one of the following statements from the Alexandra, Ehrhart, and Randel
(2021) required reading (p. 168) about cultural intelligence (CQ):
1. High CQ individuals are skilled at adjusting their mental schemas and habits to show awareness and
understanding of cultural differences. They are especially tolerant of cultural differences and unlikely to
make inaccurate and superficial judgments in cross-cultural interactions.
2. The tendencies of high CQ individuals to minimize outgroup distinctions and foster a sense of familiarity
and acceptance in relationships are likely to contribute to these individuals’ sense of belongingness,
which is an important aspect of one’s perceived inclusion in a workgroup.
3. Research has suggested that the positive outcomes of CQ tend to be stronger for individuals in diverse
4. When an individual perceives high levels of both inclusion and cultural diversity within his or her
workgroup, that individual can learn from different cultures, thereby allowing CQ to develop further.
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One possible area of discussion could be to relate the selected comment to your workplace experiences.
A second potential discussion is of the three takeaways noted by the author. Do you agree with them? Why
or why not?

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