- Provide a complete citation of the article (Title, authors, journal, volume, year and pages). Based on the title answer the following: a. What are the major ideas addressed in the article? The Introduction The introduction gives the rationale for the study (an explanation of what the study investigates and why). The introduction typically includes a review of previous research that provides a background for the specific questions being addressed in the article. Based on the introduction you should understand what the research question(s) being studied and what the authors predicted they would find.2. What is the research question? 3. What are the research hypotheses? 4. Is the review of literature comprehensive and were references obtained from recent literature? The Methods In this article section the authors provide description of the research participants, research instruments, and procedures for administrating the intervention as well as the data collection. 5. What is the research methodology (sample size, independent variables, dependent variables and how were they measured)? The Results This section is very important because it provides evidence that supports or disproves the hypotheses being studied. 6. Summarize the major results. 7. How do the results relate to the predictions/hypotheses set out in the introduction (i.e., are they supported or not)? The Discussion The discussion section of an article provides the authors’ interpretation of the findings. It ends with a conclusion that provides an answer to the research problem. 8. Are the conclusions consisted with the obtained results? How did the research authors demonstrate that?