Kantian Deontology, Feminism and Feminist Ethics, Evolutionary Ethics



(utilitarianism, Kantianism, etc.).Question(1). After having read and watched the videos on Kant, as well as those on suicide and euthanasia,why do you think that Kant opposed suicide? Are his reasonings sound? What about theHippocratic Oath on doctors, are they to be “means” to end someone’s life?Question(2). From the readings and videos, do you think there is a fundamental differences (In general) howmen and women approach ethics? Is it “nature” or “nurture”- (factors of environment how oneis raised)? A combination? Or is there a moral universality regardless of sex and/or gender? Arethere any issues that would be approached differently? If so, can you give an example?Question(3). Try applying Paula Moyas idea that all knowledge is situated knowledge. Think of a time whensomeone said that they knew something was objectively true. What was their standpoint?How was their knowledge situated knowledge?Question(4). After watching the videos on service dogs and reading the abstract, do you think it is “right” tohave service dogs? On what philosophical basis? What about in animals in zoos? In circuses?



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