Key Concepts in Human Resource Management


Assessment Task 3: Report? Weighting: 50% Due by: Thursday Week 7, 11.59 pm? Description: Report – 2500 words/16 quality academic references – (Submit online using Turnitin) Utilising the case studies provided below for this assessment task you need to do use what you have learnt in this course to answer the following questions: How is HRM failing these organisations, their staff and other stakeholders? What are the recommendations that you would make to enable HRM to effectively resolve the problems that are evident in these organisations? Applying the AHRI HRM model ( (Links to an external site.)), and your studies about HRM, how could the following organisations have avoided these situations in the first place? The case studies are accessible below using the URLs: 7-Eleven How 7 eleven is ripping off its workers (Article heading) (Links to an external site.) 7-Eleven: The Price of Convenience: As 7-Eleven goes into damage control, we expose the wage scam at the heart of the multimillion dollar convenience store empire. (Article heading for the Four Corners program);res=TVNEWS;dn=TSM201508310118 (Links to an external site.) Country fire Authority Leadership failure to blame for multiple assaults at Eaglehawk CFA: report (Article heading) (Article heading) (Links to an external site.) and: Sexual harassment, bullying, endemic for women in Country Fire Authority, says report (Article heading) (Links to an external site.) CFA captain at centre of teenage girl hazing video scandal says there are ‘two sides to every story’ (Artilce heading) (Links to an external site.) Banks After years of bank scandals, the people have been heard (Article heading) (Links to an external site.) There’s no evidence behind the strategies banks are using to police behaviour and pay (Article heading) To access this video, please click here (Links to an external site.) and login using your RMIT identifiers. Money For Nothing: Which bank cheats some of its most vulnerable customers in their hour of need? (Article heading) To access this video, please click here (Links to an external site.) and login using your RMIT identifiers. Assessment Tasks 3 will be assessed against the following criteria – each criterion is equally weighted: •Key issues relating to the question have been developed •Analysis and synthesis of relevant literature (16 academic references minimum). •Ideas and assertions substantiated through use of high quality reference material and key academic perspectives/views have been demonstrated •Appropriate RMIT Harvard style referencing (intext and list of references) { use Easycite (Links to an external site.) } •Clear and comprehensive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax etc.) Rubric: BUSM4588 Assessment Rubric for Assessment Task 3Preview the document

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