Lawsuit legal basis

  1. State HR Legal topic area of the lawsuit.
  2. Identify the HR practices(s) that is/are the focus of this case. Practices include recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation (including benefits), internal employee relations (including discipline and termination), and safety.
  3. Provide an APA style list of all information sources used for this case, including hyperlinks. No EEOC or DOJ press releases as these agencies are legally representing plaintiffs and do not represent an unbiased news source. Failure to cite all sources used is a form of plagiarism.
  4. Summary of the case (provide responses to items below).
    a. Case citation (i.e plaintiff v defendant). Plaintiff must be a current or former employee (or applicant) of the defendant. Defendant should be the employer.
    b. Date of verdict (Must be within the last 5 years):
    c. Lawsuit legal basis:
    i. List the name(s) of each of the law(s) the plaintiff claimed were violated. (No laws from countries other than the U.S.).
    ii. Classify each law stated above as either federal, state, local law.
    d. Allegations:
    i. What was the claim and argument of the plaintiff (employee/s)?
    ii. What was the argument of the defendant (employer)?
    iii. In your own words, outline the facts of the case; provide a numbered sequence in the order which actions took place to help explain a long sequence of events. Do not simply cut and paste text from legal documents (plagiarism); however you are welcome to rephrase the information using your own words (Minimum ½ page = 10 lines with 1” page margins).

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