Literature Analysis

Post your working thesis and outline of the final paper as a response to this thread. Do not attach a Word document; simply copy and paste your thesis and outline directly into the thread.
For your responses in this forum, provide feedback on one other student’s thesis by focusing on these questions:

  1. Does the thesis sufficiently respond to the assignment prompt?
  2. Is it original?
  3. Does it answer the “so what” question?
  4. Does it include a solution or main claim?
  5. Does it include key themes from the literature?
    Note: The thesis does not have to be only one sentence in length, as you may have been instructed in undergraduate level writing courses. It can be several sentences or even a short paragraph.
    Assignment #2
    Assignment 3.1: Synthesizing

For this week’s first assignment, you will create a synthesis matrix using at least 10 of the sources you have collected so far. Please click here to download the blank matrix. This matrix is meant to help you synthesize key information from the articles into main ideas for your paper so that you avoid just summarizing without synthesizing. Using this matrix can help you find key themes/main ideas for the outline of your paper by seeing how key points from your sources can be combined to support your main ideas.
A few points to consider when building your matrix:

  1. As evident in these student samples, true synthesis requires using a diverse set of sources to support your key points (avoid using only one source to support a single theme).
  2. Not all articles will cover the same theme, so if a theme does not apply, you can just leave that section blank or write “N/A.” See this student sample as an example.
  3. Using Excel, as illustrated in this student sample, is an easy way to ensure all of the information fits. Also, note that you need to include the names of your specific themes. Instead of “theme 1, theme 2,” in the template, you should write the exact theme based on your topic
  4. Mindmapping is another way you can try to identify key themes. Include citations in your mindmap to help keep track of the group of sources you use to develop the key points of your paper.
  5. Remember that everyone’s mind works differently, so try to find an approach that works for you.
  6. You can add more columns for additional sources. You can also make this table in Excel if you would like to have more space for additional columns (without page limits).
    Assignment #3
    Assignment 3.2: Working Thesis and Outline

For your second assignment, using the synthesis matrix you created for Week 3 Assignment 1, create a working thesis and outline. Please use this Working Thesis and Outline Template to complete this assignment.
Step 1: Review the directions for outlining in Chapter 9 of Galvan and Galvan’s Writing Literature Reviews
Step 2: Ensure to review the following resources: Sample Working Thesis and Outline Document and How to Create a Working Thesis and Outline (Click here for the video transcript). As explained in these resources, the main ideas should be expressed as complete sentences and supporting ideas should be cited using in-text citations.
Step 3: Start creating your working thesis and outline. Your outline should include:

  1. Your topic and how it relates to your doctoral studies
  2. Your research question and the practical and conceptual problems within your topic
  3. Working thesis
  4. Synthesis: key themes from the literature
  5. In-text citations and list of references
    Note: The sample outline is a very basic example of the format of the outline. This outline should not be considered a “complete” example. The final, submitted version of your outline should be longer, more fully developed, and contain 15+ sources. Also, make sure you review the rubric before getting started on this assignment (as well as before final submission) to ensure you have met all of the requirements listed in the rubric.
    Assignment #4
    Week 4’s Discussion Question: Paraphrasing, Quoting, Summarizing

For this discussion forum, choose one source from the articles on your topic and provide an example of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing with appropriate APA formatting. Make sure you label each section and include the original source for the paraphrase and quote (See the sample here). Make sure to include proper signal phrases as shown in Week 4’s instructional materials.
Do not include a Word document as an attachment. Instead, type your response in Word and then copy and paste it directly into this forum. Make sure you proofread because part of your grade comes from accuracy in using APA format. Finally, for your responses to your peers, check that they have sighted their sources properly and used signal phrases.
Assignment #5
Week 4’s Assignment: First Draft

It’s Week 4, and it is time to submit your first draft of your final research paper. Building on your outline you created for Week 3’s Assignment 2, create a detailed synopsis of the literature on your topic of interest (2000-2200 words). While writing your first draft, consider the following questions as they pertain to your chosen topic:
• What is the problem in the field?
• What are the causes of the problem?
• What are the proposed solutions?
• What do we know about the topic so far? What do we not know?
• What are the areas of future research on this topic?
Finally, make sure that your paper is not a list of discrete source summaries, but a cogent discussion of the literature woven together to provide an effective discussion of your topic.
Assignment #6
Week 5’s Discussion Question: Peer review of MEAL Plan, Analysis, and Synthesis in Paragraphs

For Week’s 5 discussion forum, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Last week you submitted the first draft of your research paper. This week, submit the thesis statement of your paper along with any two body paragraphs that follow the MEAL plan of organization as a Word document attachment. Also, include in-text citations and list of references related to sources used in those two paragraphs
Step 2: Using this peer review form, reply to 1 student providing feedback on the MEAL plan format. If you want, you can also use the in-text comment function in Word to provide feedback. You are not required to use in-text citations for feedback, but you are required to use the peer feedback form.
*Note: Multimedia resources from last and this week should give you enough information on the MEAL plan, but in case you need a bit more information, see this link to the MEAL plan with an example.
Also, please keep in mind that just because the MEAL format has only 4 parts, it does not mean that you actual paragraph should have only 4 sentences. In fact, most well-developed paragraphs are 7 to 10 sentences in length. The MEAL plan just means that your paragraph needs to start with a main idea, and also that when you use sources (facts, research studies), they need to be analyzed to show how those facts connect to the main idea.
Assignment #7
For this week’s assignment, you will continue revising your final research paper using the feedback your professor has given on your first draft. While revising your paper, also follow the guidelines and explanations in Galvan Ch. 12.
Assignment #8
Week 6’s Discussion Question: Editing and Proofreading

For this week’s forum, use the self-editing checklist located in Appendix A to edit your paper (located on p. 161 of your textbook Writing Literature Reviews). In your post, ensure to address the following questions:
• What edits and revisions did you make?
• Was the checklist helpful?
• Did you use Grammarly and/or to get additional feedback on your paper? What did you learn from the use of these resources?
• Reflect on what you have learned about writing and revision in this class. What are some key takeaways from this class that you will take with you as you begin writing your dissertation?

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